Sunday, March 4, 2001

propogating hosta's

Multiply your Hosta Plants
We started our Hosta Hoard with under five donated plants.  Now we have rings of hosta plants around our trees not only to beautify but also to make it easier for the Gentleman of the farm to mow around!  Ok, to propagate, get ready - just cut a piece of your "mother plant" as soon the the ground permits, and replant it.  Really, it's that simple.You can dig up your mother plant partially, use a sharp knife, and saw off a piece about the size of a tennis ball, trying for a lobe if possible.  This really doesn't hurt the plant, but make sure you recover it well, and maybe insure your success by adding more soil to the surface of the mother, even better, compost if your lucky enough to have some.  Take your baby hosta, and start it some place new.  Again, insuring it's success with some good soil.
Good luck.

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